

This Fashion Bible is a testament to all of the others out there that paved the way for this one.

It’s the end of an age— and the dawning of a new Time and it is my hope to highlight the best of the past, mixed with innovation of new. I recognise the importance of going beyond ‘just another fashion or travel blog’, to give you, the reader, practical tips, tricks and hacks, but most of all, insight. My aim is to enhance your journey, whether it is for a business, pleasure or both.

Throughout these pages, I live the high life – and what a life it is. I am grateful for every privileged moment, along with the moments that are not so. That’s because everyone has those times, where things don’t work out as planned, when it feels like our best intentions pave another brick on the highway to Hell.

In a world where social media makes it so easy to compare ourselves to others, and judge and critique our lives in comparison, let there be light!

On my journey, I constantly remind myself that unseen struggles are behind every beautiful shot and on-point Instagram feed. We all struggle with being alive, no matter how perfect it may appear from the outside. This is the common denominator we humans share—the lessons that life teaches us the hard way, if necessary.

Case and point is demonstrated through certain celebrities who seem to have it all. At the time of writing this, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain illustrate perfectly that we are all susceptible to invisible demons – you just never know what someone else is going through, no matter the exterior perception.

Another concept I try to be constantly mindful of is our brothers and sisters, at home and in other parts of the world, who are not afforded the privileges of travel, hotel rooms with a view, or a dream of that fresh-off-the runway Gucci bag.  When we ‘vote with our dollar’ by purchasing something fashion-related, we are supporting a company in an industry that employs approximately 75 million people worldwide. Individually we can contribute to a collective effort to support those that give people in third world countries a better deal, their share of the profits.

Everywhere I go, I try to immerse myself in the true culture of the destination, whether it is talking to my chauffeur in Monaco, or the textile worker in Vietnam about everyday life. My interest in the combination of culture and fashion can bring a lot of interesting insights on my travels, especially in South-East Asia, where the majority of the world’s clothing and textiles are produced.

For instance, ancient silk-weaving villages in Vietnam make apparel for a well-known global brand. The local prices of these items are hundreds – and, in some cases, thousands of times – more affordable in the Vietnamese market than if I were to pick it up in my local store at home. Of course, I understand that a business has to strive to profit. But, increasingly, that is not the only goal businesses should aim to achieve.

Increasingly, I’m drawn to brands that are doing something about better working conditions and compensation for those at the beginning of the supply chain and those who use sustainable materials for their garments. I endeavour to understand the deepest meaning behind why poverty and such circumstances exist, and how we, collectively, support the ongoing or eradication of poverty.

This mindfulness can be applied to everything we purchase, not just clothing, and we can make a conscious decision to choose for the better. Let’s spare a thought for those way back in the supply chain of our outfits, no matter where they come from. We can extend this courtesy to the real people behind the Instagram posts of these beautiful outfits. That way, we can make a collective effort to support the wellbeing of everyone in the fashion industry.

In conclusion, I want this blog to be more than just snapshots of myself in beautiful outfits, in beautiful places. I want you to feel as if you had experienced insights into the world around us yourself, by reading my stories.

I look forward to sharing my journey with you.


Tiana Grace

The Last Fashion Bible

[email protected]